Could you become a Dragon Finder? With Froglife's Dragon Finder app you can:
* Identify reptiles and amphibians. Identify adult reptiles and amphibians as well as their eggs, larvae and calls. Simple questionnaires, illustrations and photographs will help you identify animals, and you can compare photographs of different species to make sure you've identified the animal correctly.
* Report a sighting. Submit your records quickly and easily using the recording form. Use your phone's GPS function to determine your location or pick from a map. Each time you submit a species record, you are given a tick for that species so that you can keep a track of the animals that you've spotted.
Find out more about individual species. Read about the distribution, ecology, life-cycle and eggs and larvae of each species. Get tips for identification. Listen to recordings of calls.
There is a wealth of wildlife to discover in the UK - whether you live in the countryside or the city - so why not get out there and go in search of dragons!
About Froglife
Froglife is a national wildlife charity dedicated to the conservation of the UK's amphibians and reptiles. A massive 41% of the World’s amphibians and 21% of Europe’s reptiles are at risk of extinction. You can help amphibians and reptiles in the UK by using this app to submit your sightings.